Monday, 14 February 2011

Facebook Valentine

I realise its Valentines day, but believe me there will be no ranting. I am not a huge believer and I am not a ‘this is a hallmark holiday’ town crier either. If you are with someone its nice, its nice to receive flowers etc, but this shouldn’t be reserved to only this day of the year. That’s it, mini attempt at a rant over.

Today I am mostly being the facebook superuser for the Yas Rock Factory and realizing just how powerful Facebook is, and also how terrifyingly at home I am with it. Everyone who knows me laughs at my status updates, and the frequency of my use of facebook. I see it as another outlet for me. I am regularly the girl who is stood up in a restaurant acting out a recent funny story for my group of friends. I am the one who cares not about the stares of others, the one who doesn’t care how loud she is, or where she is. In the name of being social, funny and 9 times out of 10 the centre of attention. So to give an exhibitionist who loves to perform a platform such as facebook is just asking for me to have billions of photos, and a million updates a day. I like to share, I talk frequently and am rarely quiet, why you would expect anything less from my facebook persona is odd. If nothing else Facebook is going to allow me to be even more of myself, which could be a little much, if not far too much at times. That’s the thing isnt it, its choice, I choose to read your statuses, I also choose to hide some of you, the reasons I hide you are my own. What you do on Facebook is up to you, I have no place to comment, I have more than enough ability to do something about it rather than wine or moan or make a big deal out of it.

Thats about the long and short of it today, got nothing much more for you than that :)

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