Thursday, 29 December 2011

To Change or not to Change

As we role inexorably towards 2012 we see the inevitable, good riddance to 2011,  heres hoping 2012 will be better comments. A lot of store is set by new year, people make fresh starts, new diets, new resolutions and make changes to their lives. I have never really understood it, aside from the human physche needing an actual push and shove to get them to do something that they could have done at any given point during the year. It has always confused me, and it is one of a few reasons why I don’t a) get excited about New Year and b) why I don’t make resolutions. This year I chose to lose weight, I chose to drop the kilos, and I did. It didn’t take a momentus occasion, or a special date, or a change in the roatation of the earth. I just woke up and decided to do something about it and I have. I am now over 17 kilos down and it didn’t require a calendar change, it did however require a wardrobe change.  This means that I walk into January with a smile, no long terrified to stand on the scales, and no longer scouring the back of the rails in stores to find clothes that will fit. It took me a long time to figure out what was wrong with me, and once I did I havent looked back. Except to look at pictures of my old self and think how sad it was that I hadnt found the key to my success earlier.

I wont be making a new beginning this year, I am making plans, but I do not want to brush 2011 aside and pray for a happier year. I would indeed hope that 2012 brings more of the same for me, in the sense that 2011 gave me a lot. It gave me a project that taught me a lot, and not just in work terms, it taught me a lot about who I am. 2011 brought me my family to the same building as me, strengthening a bond that was already unbreakable. It brought me my other half who in turn brought me a sense of calm and a sense of priority.

This year there will be no flippant remarks about ensuring that I don’t die my hair purple or drink too much, that is inevitable. The drinking, not the hair dye. Their will be more of what you have seen of the junior Redding in 2011, more music, more events, more working my ass off. Less ranting, less partying and less tears. I will remain at my desk doing what I believe I do best, working with some remarkable people to bring what is quite clearly one of the biggest loves of my lives, great music, to your doorsteps and to your ears. I shall also continue to be delighted by the man in my life, who has to be the most patient man alive, I shall remember how lucky I am to have him and to have the life that I do. I shall strive to be like my Father, who still to this day pushes boundaries and has vision and strength that men somehow lack these days, I shall celebrate my Mother, one of the most special and remarkable women I have ever known who is so much to so many but remains the most to me, and my brother, the man who quietly shines, and with no pomp just silently goes about being my brother in the best way he can, in a way that no other could.

New Year should be a quick pit stop, time for us to look back and note the things in our lives that we love, and want to continue to cherish, you don’t need a date, or a countdown or fireworks to help you make a change. If you want something badly enough, no calendar date will stop you.

I wish everyone a great New Year and I know I am looking forwards, and not back to what will be, I am sure, another great year.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Christmas Spirits ...

So its Christmas, a lot has happened since I last blogged, and so before the Christmas shenanigans begin and the New Year let down, as it inevitably is starts to loom, I thought it about time I put some of my wandering thoughts down on paper. So in no particular order, what’s new  in my world ?  Well the Boy is new. Well, he isn’t new he has been around for 38 years (he may kill me for that) but he is new to me, and new to most of you too, although I have done, in my humble opinion a rather fantastic job of trying to introduce to him as many of you as possible. The slightly terrified look on his face whenever I say the words ‘we have a dinner with some friends this week’ is testament to how many of you I have shown him off too. He also gets a massive gold star for remembering 99% of you. So he is what’s new in my world, he is also what’s happy in my world (cue sentimental ridiculousness comments here), being that he is quite unbelievably awesome. However this is what you should expect when your Mother orders your boyfriend off the internet. Don’t raise your eyebrows at the computer, no Pauline hasn’t worked out how to shop online at all, I am indeed joking. I do however believe that someone put a list of things that would suit me perfectly and then checked them off next to his name and then sent him my way. Sadly no one did the same for him, and he is left wondering how this happened to him. However we do hope he never works it out J

The Science Festival is over, and it surpassed even my own expectations, all the months of rages and tears and damn hard work paid off. Yes I was rewarded with a new scar on my leg where a small child was so desperate to get inside the Festival that he kicked me out of his way as he hurtled towards the door. Small child was wearing tiny little boots, that I believe had steel toe caps, and so as I was left bleeding (fact) he hurtled off into the festival, followed at a more sedate pace by his Mother, who occasionally yelled encouraging things such as, ‘quick before anyone else gets there’ and ‘Just ask for 2 of everything’ as he bounced off our theatre tickets desk. It was indeed a spectacle. Watching 3000 kids a day line up and troop into the hall, with excited little faces and their too big uniforms was a little bit sweet. Watching them leave not looking so tidy whilst clutching windmills and mini robots and frantically shoving cereal bars in their faces was practically heady. I did however get to meet the Boss. Yes, the main man himself H.H. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, our Crown Prince. Not only did he shake my hand and pronounce it a pleasure (I always knew I had an awesome handshake, and we all know it’s a pleasure to meet me, so no surprises there), he requested a photograph, and then very nicely told me to enjoy my stay. My only worry out of this exchange is that he knows something I do not, I mean after all he is the man in the know, and he seems to think my time here is limited. I shall keep you posted on my movements, however I am avoiding blacked out trucks and people with bags. So the festival is done, with over 121,000 people through its doors I was quite rightly the most tired person ever. It is done though, and as I said I was so annoyed with the festival I was going to beat it into submission, I got very close, it came back at me for a couple of rounds, but in the end, and after a stewards enquiry I was declared the Victor. I cant tell you yet what my spoils were, but it’s an emphatic return to Music. Which whilst I am still the most tired person alive, is still making me grin. I almost am bursting with excitement and the need to tell people but as always my lips are not only sealed, but stapled and glued shut. I am however fully shouting from the rooftops about ColdPlay

I am fully in the Christmas Spirit, it took me a little longer, thanks to being felled, literally by a bug / virus / fatigue thing. Apparently according to the fully crazy Dr I saw ( the usual magician I see had dared to go on holiday) I had fatigue of the muscles as well as a virus. So on the same day that my poor Mothers Christmas tree crashed to the ground in front of her eyes, so did her daughter. That was a bad day for the Mothership. A cracked tree and a knacked Daughter. It also was a bad omen for my poor boy, who spent his birthday cooking me bacon sarnies and cuddling me while I cried. I manned up for the present giving, although it was done in my Pyjamas, and then dug deep and headed out for his Birthday dinner, which by any means was a resounding success. Red wine, steak and chips and a whole lot of laughter meant that the day was not lost altogether, plus I have a sneaky suspicion that the QPR football club cakes were a definite winner …. Many girlfriend brownie points gained there (swiftly lost again during the ‘please note your girlfriend is rubbish when ill’ period swiftly following the birthday).

So Christmas is now truly nearly on our doorstep and I for once am done ahead of time, I am being overly smug about this, and its not helping anyone, or making anyone like me very much. It is however making me feel much better about Christmas and the Redding Family tradition of ‘best present’ as ever we are competing, to see who gives the best gift. Not in terms of money or size but in terms of thought. I think I have this sewn up. Then again I think that every year. So let’s wait and see.

In the meantime I will be finalizing my event report for the Science Festival, and looking forward to the arrival of Chris and the gang, New Years Eve is going to be damn cold, damn amazing and I get to spend it with my damn fine boyfriend, and Coldplay (coldplay coming a close second) which I cant wait for, ringing in our first new year together to fireworks and live music, doesn’t get much better than that for me.

So on that note I wish you all a festive weekend and my wish is that you spend it wherever you are, with friends and family, and that you laugh and smile and forget all your worries for one day. For those of you who are my Kandora wearing friends, please excuse us while we all go a little insane, its like Eid, just with a tree.

Much love and festive sparkles

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Bentley, it doesnt need anything else...

So, being given a Bentley for the weekend is one thing (she says casually), but being given the 2012 Bentley Continental Flying Spur Speed is something else indeed. I learned this very fast. I screamed (like a girl) put down the phone and was met with a row of frowns. The boys of the offices were appalled. Why should someone such as me be given such a gift, I had no clue just what miracle of technology and mechanics was being given to me, I assured my boys I was worthy of this car and that I could drive it the way it should be driven. They shook their heads and walked away safe in the knowledge that I would be unable to appreciate such a beast. The joy of saying to people ‘oh yes I will be picking up the Bentley on Thursday’ was immense. I was in seventh heaven and I hadn’t even seen the car yet.

Off I went to collect this bundle of fabulousness, dressed appropriately in red soled shoes and massive shades, blonde hair as Lebanese big as I could get it.  I sat in the shop and watched as this car, I say car, I want to come up with another name for it as its too beautiful to be called a car, pulled up to the door. Being handed a suitably weighty key was the beginning. I was shown how to push buttons to make the engine purr to life, how to adjust my seats and how to get the touch screen to work. I have to say at this point I was fairly nervous.  As I rounded the corner away from the anxious looking man from Bentley who waved me out of the parking spot like I was a boeing 747 pilot, I thought I would see if I could go faster than 20kph. I nearly left the pavement. I honestly believed I was going to take off. Thus the first important lesson was learned. A Bentley does not require the same handling as a Ford Edge. I can see all you ‘car people’ shaking your head and silently mocking me. I don’t care. I am not a car journalist, nor am I hugely wealthy, I am a person who dreams of owning a car like this. I am also a person who was terrified I harmed it in any way.

By the time I was on Sheikh Zayed road and on my way home I was sold. The car was gliding and I was smiling like I had been told I have a lifetime supply of chocolate. Having been told I know nothing of cars I decided I would pay attention. That I would look at the car as if I was one of the boys. I did my research and it seemed that the one thing the new Bentley was being praised for was its new interiors, and its new ultra cool additions to the exterior. That, I thought, I can comment on. Easily.

The wheels of the Bentley have the trademark ‘B’ in the middle  Enough to delight any female, talk to me of alloys and I will yawn, talk to me of shiny silver wheels with a monogram middle, now you are talking. Add to that a key that is weighty, shiny and very very Bentley. It becomes your latest fashion accessory.  Forget the car for a moment, hard I know but humour me.  Walking into a boutique with that little number hanging off your finger makes a sales assistant look up and take you very seriously all of a sudden. I am thinking about buying just the key as I cant quite afford the car yet. You will see I photographed the wheel of my new favourite thing. I was becoming very fond of the Bentley ‘B’. The inside of the car was all cream leather and tan piping, I was utterly delighted I was wearing matching Tan Louboutins. I have to note though, that despite having paid a fortune for the leather keeping my feet from burning on the tarmac, they were in no way a match for the leather keeping my jeans clad bum comfortable whilst I nipped to the airport to collect the girls.

I can report back having finally found the button to open the boot (no chipped nails here girls) that I managed to fit 3 overly large suitcases in the very roomy boot.  Please note that this is 3 girls going away for 2 nights, the suitcases were indeed massive, (mine alone had 4 pairs of shoes) so for them to slide in amongst screeches of ‘watch the paintwork’ was very impressive. I have to note the cars first fault at this stage. There is a leather arm that raises for you to pop your iPod / lipstick / black amex inbetween the driver and passenger seat. However there is no real dashboard as such for a phone, you can leave it kind of next to the gear stick but it’s not a prime position. As I pointed this out to my two girls, it was suggested that this was a) a totally moot point as there is bluetooth and I just handn’t worked out how to use it yet and b) even if their wasn’t the leather was so soft it more than made up for needing a place for my blackberry. We then went on to discuss in detail how much we would pay if Bentley would make a handbag out of the leather of the seats. Please take note, if this happens I want a percentage, as it’s a fabulous plan. Make sure there is a heavy silver ‘B’ hanging from the side, guaranteed best seller.

We glided all the way to RAK, alternatively playing with the massive touchscreen dashboard, and listening to Little Maxine complain from the back that I should have brought her a DVD to watch on her screen, or at least a cup of tea so she could balance it on her little tray. She was having way more fun in the back it seemed. I love how people react when you pull up in a Bentley. It’s a sad thing to say, but the reaction you get from the Valet Team when you pull up in my blue beauty is vastly different to what I receive when it’s me and my Edna the Edge.  I handed over the keys, and was utterly sad to see her being driven away, not so much the Valet Parker who was grinning broadly.

I spent the next 2 days driving all over in the Bentley, it was a delight. I have noted a few things that come with a Bentley :

You don’t mind getting lost. It’s nice to have no idea where you are, but know that you are the most comfortable you can be, and that everyone wants to be you. You could use the GPS but that would be too much like logic.

You do mind parking. Your blood pressure is up and you spend the entire time away from the car worrying if it is ok, almost as if it was a child. An expensive child that everyone is looking at.

You don’t have to wait for it. Your car is ALWAYS parked on the forecourt when you valet, this means it is hotter than other cars, but everyone is still wishing it was theirs.

You do get treated differently when you step out of a Bentley. It’s a statement. A very bold and unique one. Even bolder when a 29 year old Blonde gets out of one. That’s the fun part.

I loved the Bentley. I loved it so much it hurt, it was like a little pre-trial for having a baby. Although if I had a baby I would never have a Bentley. I think it’s  a choice. I would also choose a two door, the 4 door is too hefty for a girl.

Congratulations on the Key though. Its spectacular, by far and away the best key I have ever seen. The car comes in a very close second.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

7 Star Rules and Regulations...

Its 7.24pm and I am rushing through the doors of the Burj al Arab, it was surprisingly easy to get across the rampart and penetrate the sail, as the 35 minute booking process had somewhat led me to believe that it would be a tad more difficult. Being a girl who likes to do as she is told, I am clad in a very non Maxine like mini dress, and heels, and yes I like to think I somewhat resemble a girl. I arrived in a taxi, determined to enjoy some form of cocktail in the Sky View bar. I was delighted to open my own door, close my own door and walk across the cobbles in the heat without the aid of anyone at all. It would have been awful of me to expect the doorman to open my door, for two reasons, 1) he would have had to walk away from the cold air and 2) it was after all a Dubai taxi and not an Aston Martin. My fault entirely. In and half way up the escalators I finally get a nod from someone, having been utterly ignored by the date and rose water wielding girls because I eschewed the rotating doors for the side doors.

Standing waiting for my partner in crime to arrive, I remembered how much I love the Burj Al Arab, and unbeknownst to all the staff there I know more about the building than any of them. So when one of the guest services staff casually informs me that the fountain I stand beside is really amazing. I smile and ask why, the answer left me rooted to the spot ; ‘Because it goes really high sometimes when a VIP comes, hopefully one will come tonight and you might see it’.  Then smiled and wandered off leaving me wondering how he could have failed to know, that the man who designed the entire set of waterworld the film had designed that very ‘fountain’, that it was actually called the Hypershooter, and that it was able to play in time to music, that if need be it could shoot water up to the tips of the golden arches above my head every 6 minutes if it needed to. That when it did ‘shoot’ what was so remarkable was that it didn’t splash the floor on its way down. I stood smiling, wondering why he had been so delighted to share a piece on information with me that was entirely useless, and if I hadn’t have known better, left me thinking ‘well that’s not very good’. I daren’t even think about whether he knew that the ‘fountain’ was indeed intrinsically linked to the water feature in the lobby, or at the entrance, and I think the air fire and water link may well have astounded him. I wont even begin to discuss the type of flooring surrounding the hypershooter, and the clever way it had been laid. That may have resulted in me being removed from the Burj.

En route upstairs in the panoramic lifts, my hair do took a bit of a battering thanks to the distinct lack of AC, but the welcome was just as warm as the airless lift. We were escorted to our table, and regardless of the reservation being in my name, so began the evening of calling my friend Mr. Redding, when he is neither my brother nor my father nor my husband. The mistake can be understood once, granted, but it gets a bit wearing after time. The view is as always spectacular, and the service lovely. We were welcomed by the manager, and despite saying we didn’t want to look at the Al Mahara menu’s were presented with them. Turned out to be a great touch, and the ease of which our bill was transferred downstairs and the genuine smiles of all the staff are what makes Al Muntaha a fantastic place. Skyview bar I love. I especially love their blue cheese and cheese quiche. Genius.

Al Mahara, having had so much conversation about the dress code it was a shame that it wasn’t being upheld by all the diners that evening, and the evening wouldn’t have been quite the same without the family next to us who took photos of each meal, each course and every fish in the tank, the click of that camera became quite the accompaniment. The manager was obviously quite liberal with his ‘discretion’ that evening. The most used phrase of the evening had to be ‘sorry for interrupting …’ I don’t think I have ever had so many waiters enquire as to if we are having a nice time before. I was tempted at this point to create a sticker for my dinner date with his name on it, in an effort to get the staff to talk to each other and let them know that calling him Mr. Redding was going to elicit me sighing and telling them for the 3rd time that I was Miss Redding and he was not actually a Redding. Something which may seem a little pedantic, but in this day and age, discretion should be top of the list at a 7 star hotel. Thankfully I am not an undercover spy or indeed having an affair, or cheating on a non-existent husband, so it all it caused was mild amusement rather than an international incident, although it would have been great if I wielded enough power to have gone that route. The food itself was great. What I wanted to have was food I wasn’t going to get anywhere else, the kind of food that leaves you raving about it, you know the heaven on a plate, how on earth did you do that kind of food. A great example is the black cod in Zuma. I can see you all nodding, or the roast pork in Gary Rhodes mezzanine, bliss indeed, or the ribs in Billy blues, or the fish and chips at the Rivington, all the things that make you smile and forget everything else. The fish and chips in the Rivington can literally make me forget anything else except them and how cold my wine is. The food in the burj was great. Very nice indeed. Well mine was, I can report back that my opposites plate was cleaned both times, although as he had Lamb I cannot comment (hate the stuff) although it did look raw enough that a good vet could get it back on its feet without too much hassle. Having asked for it medium, the response was that it was ‘painted’.  The wine was exceptional, 10 brownie points to J for choosing wisely and a million brownie points to the Burj for actually serving it cold enough to stop me having to ask for ice cubes and reveal my peasant like attitude to wine.

We retired to the Juna bar for drinks, which revealed one of the worlds worst designed bars, watching our waiter have to duck into a 2 foot hole in order to bring our drinks was highly amusing for us, but less amusing for him. I do hope that Jumeirah pays for his chiropractor.  A few classic whiskies and a few more freezing cold glasses of wine and we called it a night.

I have to say it was a great night, but that I have to say in all honesty that is down to the company, the kind of company that means you could have fun whether you are in the Burj or in an cardboard box. The key things we learned were that :

-          You too can have Al Mahara style menus at home by popping to Dragon Mart and buying the same oyster shells for 5 dhs a go.

-          The submarine is never mentioned when it is being ‘serviced’.

-          That one day I want to be able to order a 5000dhs martini.

-          That dwarves were involved with the design of the Juna Bar

-          Moray Eels are ace at hiding and the Fish tank is not the same without Wally

-          You have to have your restaurant on its own island in order to charge those kind of prices

-          If you are having a special occasion be sure to go to the Burj, they ask you at every opportunity if it’s a special day for either of you, but don’t plan any surprises

-          The ‘taxis’ to take you home are ace, they make you feel very special and aren’t really very much more in cost than a dubai taxi, quality move BAA.

The Burj Al Arab was once the pinnacle of modern cuisine and luxury and I went expecting it to blow me away as it always has throughout my time here, I adore the Burj, I love it, I stick up for it, and I believe it is great. However in the Dubai we now live in that has restaurants that are of such high quality, and that has upped its levels of service, the Burj has remained the same. Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be seen. For me though, the Burj as the place to go to experience something you cant get anywhere else is a myth. The Burj is a place to go and look, because you will never see anything like it anywhere else, the carpets, the gold, the attention to detail, the opulence, the luxury, the downright arrogance of the building makes me smile. If only the restaurants were the same.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Is It Time For Something Drastic ?

Being as far from an adrenaline junkie as you can get, I sometimes wonder about myself. Then I wonder about that statement, and realise its bollocks. You dont need to be addicted to fast cars, diving with sharks and a permanent need to try and kill yourself to be addicted to adrenaline. You can be addicted to different kind of high. I recently discussed life in general with a new friend, we were comparing things we had done that we consdier noteworthy, interesting or extreme and so on and so forth. At the end of the conversation he looked at me, and said 'ok, we get it, you win every time, what a hell of a life you have'.

It got me thinking, I would never bunjee jump, because thats for mentalists, and I cant dive because everytime someone puts a mask on me and puts me under the water I hyperventilate and cry. That in my head made me fairly wimpy. Then I realised that not many people can say they went to the North Pole, not many people have crawled on their hands and knees through a glacier in the pitch dark, little to no-one I know has stood at the bottom of a slippery icy tunnel to the outside of a cave and believed they might not make it up without needing to call in the helicopters. The actual number of people who have done that is two, me and the woman who stood behind me and literally willed me out the top. I have detoxed in Thailand (mild in comparison) for 7 days, of fasting and colonics. I sit at my desk and wonder what next ? What should I be doing next to push the limits ? It makes me think that alot of my achievements in life come from pushing boundaries, and testing limits. My limits, other peoples, mostly mine.

It also makes me think what next ? What next indeed, half of me is done and wants to go lie on a beach and drink cocktails, the other half of me wants to do more, do something that isnt about me potentially. The North Pole was about Breast Cancer, but when I got there I realised it was about me, it was about something I needed to do for myself. Yes thats all very deep and reflecty, however it wasnt designed to be. But if you put me and my own thoughts in a room together with nothing else to do for 8 hours a day, you do tend to reflect. Thoughts bounce around the inside of your head until they bump into each other and you end up with an epiphany of sorts. I tried to drown out the incessant chatter with music, but -32 degrees tends to fuck with the electrics somewhat. My brain wiring as well as my iPod. Again the fasting I did was for my body, but it ended up being about my mind too. A clear out indeed.

So it seems that the clutter of my life, and the millions of thoughts that are thought, stored, spoken, deleted, saved, shared on a daily basis need me to take myself away from it and push myself to the limits in order to be able to come together at their own pace and form actual coherent ideas. It seems that some of my thoughts were designed to hook up and then reveal their point to me, but in order for that to happen I need to be not looking. If that makes sense.

I think that I shall refrain from anything drastic this year, potentially the Science Festival is enough to tick that box for me for 2011.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Cliche's, Over Estimating and Finding Someone Like You...

Its been an interesting few weeks, and I have been painfully reminded recently that life is not simple, it isnt easy and sometimes it isnt nice. However in a cliche to end all cliches, life is what you make of it. 

To the beginning and a jaunt to the UK, to spend time with the girl I refer to as my big sister, I do this not as a throw away term but because sometimes in life you meet people that go further than friendship, that have a place in your heart that makes them family. I have heard the phrase ‘friends are the family you choose for yourself’ over and over again my whole life. I have always questioned it, because given the chance I would pick my own family ten times over, well my immediate family anyway. I always wondered what it meant until I met Rachael. I have a brother, who is my world, who proves that blood is thicker than water and who I would lay down my life for without question or hesitation. You are supposed to be able to be yourself with your family in a way that you cant with anyone else, ever. Another great phrase just re-iterates that ; ‘Maxine you are my family, this means I will ALWAYS love you, but I wont always like you’. It took me many years to understand that sentiment. I strive to find that with friends, and in relationships. Understanding that you cant like someone every minute of every day, you are going to be annoyed, irritated etc but that love remains, and trying to remember that. I digress.

Rachael came along, and stole a little piece of all the Reddings hearts. She is dear to us all for different reasons. To me I gained a sister, one that I can swap shoes with, who I can laugh til we have to pull the car over with, that I can cry with, that I can tell anything too because she loves me, and would never judge, and because I feel the same about her as I do about my family, I would protect her with everything I possibly could, with anything I have. I can be in her kitchen making dinner and I can be at a black tie function and it makes no difference.  So I went to the UK to spend time with her, and drink endless bottles of wine, laugh until even we hurt and cry and gossip and laugh some more.

Aside from Rachael though, there was another important part of the trip. Michael Ball. The months had stretched interminably and then it was there, mere days away. You can imagine my distress the day before to hear that the 4 tickets I had bought for my mother, auntie and Rachael had not been delivered seamlessly as promised. Indeed there were 2 tickets only and not even in the post code of where we were supposed to be sitting. Cue major tantrum. Believe me there was much foot stamping, flicking of hair and shouting. That  was just at the laptop. Help was delivered to me in the form of the great man himself. Michael Ball via the power of twitter alerted the evil puppet masters that are ticketmaster to my plight, and within nanoseconds the worlds campest man, don’t think I am exaggerating here, think Paul O Grady melded with Boy George and a dash of Alan Carr thrown in for good measure, rang me to reassure me.

Reassured but with no physical tickets, at 2.00pm on the day of the show, I head off to do the only thing appropriate at that moment, have afternoon tea at the Carlton. With champagne. More phone calls from the worlds campest man and still no tickets, and we are rapidly approaching the actual show, I now have two new pairs of Louboutins to choose from, Rachael is incoming with great speed from work and I am thinking I may need to breathe into a brown paper bag at some point soon.  More Tweets, more ranty phone calls and Matthew (worlds campest man aka WCM) has rung to say he is working on it, my front row tickets are a thing of the past, some evil bastard has them and I won’t be getting them back, however I am within 2 seats of where I should have been. Now WCM just has to get these 4 little beauties to my hand prior to the show. WCM enquires as to how much I actually love Michael Ball as he is very impressed at the level of detail in which I have quizzed him, and how many managers he has telling him to ensure I am fixed. I assume he meant in regard to tickets, but who actually knows.

Tickets received, Louboutins on I went and promptly had the best night of my life. That is not blowing it out of any proportion whatsoever. I cried, I laughed and I sang my little heart out, much to the joy of the people behind me, if you have ever heard me sing you will sympathise with them.  I have spent 2 years trying to find a song that meant so much to me emotionally, and for many reasons which I will not share with you all, after all some things should remain precious (this one isn’t its just painful) I couldn’t remember the title, I searched everywhere for it to no avail, and then there he was, my hero singing the song, better than I have ever heard it sung. I cried buckets. He followed it with my Mother and Fathers song, cue more tears from a usually non emotional Maxine. It was amazing, and worth every frantic phone call, penny, tear and laugh. He was magical and that’s why I will always defend him, every person in the Royal Albert Hall felt like they had met him personally by the end of the show. My thanks have to go to Matthew, the worlds campest man, he is also a bit of a hero in his own camp way.

I spent the next night in London with some awesome people, having a night that ranged from the extreme, 23 pound vodkas, to the hilarious, Gay Eastenders cast members trying to impress me and Simon, to the genuinely awesome, meeting Sayed finally and chin wagging on my favourite subject for quite some time. To the expensive, 400 quid leather jackets which you just HAVE to have. I adore London when you can afford to enjoy it, that sounds arrogant and showy offy, but London is best enjoyed from the back seat of a black cab.

Back to Newmarket and the Sofa or more accurately the wine bar, and there began and ended my trip to see my Sister.

Being back is always difficult, back to work on a project that for the first time in a long time is proving difficult to harness, tricky to beat into Maxine style submission, and having spent weeks not being able to get up the interest or passion for it, it has beaten me to a place where I now need to get it right because I am downright furious. I will show it, and them, and it will be amazing, and I envisage weeks more of nasty facebook ranting, shouting at my friends and family about it, and then it will be over, it will have been achieved, and hopefully done well. Then I can breathe a sigh of relief and get back to normal.

I lost my Grandmother this week, which is something that I wont delve into, as some things are not for public discussion  I believe, however I will say that it makes you look at your family, and you do imagine what life will be like without them. I have learned that even my creative mind cant do it. There is no where in my mind that I can dream a world that doesn’t have my family in it. They are moving into my apartment block soon, and I am the luckiest girl alive to have them so close by, but with 4 floors between us, so I can have a 5 minute arrival warning !!

In the midst of all of that I have my lovely Victory Heights Family Dinny looking after me, trying to ensure that the sparkles are back in my life and I am smiling. They succeed every time they pick up the phone, or send me to a rat infested hotel with practically no booze for a weekend away. I have had a strange year so far, and its already July, some new things that creep up on you and surprise you, some things you thought you wanted and when you get them you don’t anymore, and the things that you find you can wait for, because without being sure, you feel they may be important.

I think that on the route to my 30th birthday I may have finally learned to keep some things to myself, and not expect people to behave the same way you do, but that when they do you should enjoy it, and treasure it.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Because notes are invisible....

I have been told, repeatedly that 'notes' on facebook are not the place for writing. People constantly ask me about my love of music and where it came from, what I believe in etc. So this is an old blog, transferred here for easy reading purposes .... Enjoy, hopefully.

This last month has been a learning curve. Learning that some people view music without passion, which I have had to learn to just accept without understanding. That is a concept that is as alien to me as to why people like U2. That however is a different story. Music for me is tied into passion. Music is memories and reminders, and music is life and love and tears and laughter. Everything in my life has some kind of relationship to music. Those who know me, know that nothing is better to me than live music, add an impossibly cold glass of Sauvignon to the mix and I will literally be smiling from ear to ear (that is a good note for potential date ideas).
I find it is damn near impossible (unless you are sticking pins in your eyes, and that would be a tad drastic) to be unhappy when faced with good live music. I can chart my life by music. I blame my Mother and Father, my father slightly more if I had to be fair because he fed my ‘habit’ as a youngster, giving me shiny LP’s of people like Hall and Oates, Buddy Holly, Alexander O Neil and Tom Jones to name but a few. He also managed to pass on an uncanny ability to pick a winner out of a bag of rubbish, we can see a hit at 20 paces. It may or may not be the only one your band is going to have, but a hit it will be. If you haven’t heard of it, I can bet you money right here and now that you go listen to it and you will hear a hit too. Living in a box, by living in a box. Classic song. Will forever remind me of Papa T. He also taught me to love all kinds of music. One minute we can listen to Luther Vandross, and then flip over and throw some ACDC into the mix. My Father still does it to this day. He pointed out Flo Rida to me months before I had heard of him. He pronounced an unknown black singer as a potential up and coming, and so Toni Braxton was born. He took me to see Tom Jones when I was 8 years old, he forked out money for me to see Alexander O Neil, the Buddy Show, Luther Vandross to name but a few, he spent a small fortune in the name of teaching his little girl to love music as much as him and my mum do. It was money well spent. Not only is live music my love, it is my work and my escape. How lucky am I ?
My mother on the other hand taught me to be fearless in my appreciation of talent. I can hear a good voice, or spot a talented musician with a blindfold on. That’s her doing. She taught me to see talent in any shape or form and not be scared to love it. I have spent my life being annoyed by people who ‘conform’. I have been to see Michael Bolton numerous times, I would sell my liver (if anyone would have it) and quite possibly my left hand to go and see Michael Ball again, once just wasn’t enough. I say this out loud, to people and they are stunned. How can someone who works in ‘music’ dare say that she loves Michael Ball. That’s embarrassing. Really ? I find it more embarrassing that you so called music lovers and artists cannot see the talent that one man has. To have been the Phantom of the Opera, to have been Andrew Lloyd Webbers darling, to have been our Eurovision hope, to have over 10 albums that have sold into the millions. To have possibly one of the best voices of our time (acknowledged by king of cool Simon Cowell), is that embarrassing ? Because he doesn’t fit into what is ‘cool’. Amy Winehouse thinks he is the coolest guy alive. Does that make him a little cooler ? I hope the answer is no, because she to me is everything that is wrong with the music industry, in one woman. 

I have been taught by Mama bear to watch those DVDs of mine and be proud of the fact I adore his voice. I said out loud that Brandon Flowers cant actually sing, people look at me like I just committed a crime. Madonna, one of the most successful artists alive. Cant sing. Talented ? Yes, vocally ? Nope. I admire her for her ability but not for her voice. I look at people like the sugababes and feel sick. I look at local talent (yes you guys at players and all of you who I champion) and could cry that you aren’t seen. Talent. That’s the key. Someone asked me what music I like and I asked a friend how the hell do I answer that. He said its simple in your case, if you didn’t write it yourself, play it yourself or sing it yourself I am not interested. Talent. Its what it always comes back to, like a fat kid to cupcakes and like a dog to a bone. Talent. This is why I cant stand Mick Jagger. He has the ‘it’ factor but the bloke cant sing. Rod Stewart another shining example of a man with ‘something’ but not talent.
Music is a mixture, for me it charts progress and memories. Today for example in a quest for artists I have been playing on my iTunes and also on youtube.
David Grey, flipped me right back to an apartment in London, sitting on a yellow sofa waiting for my then boyfriend to come home from work on my first night visiting him. Makes me happy (even though he was a douche) because it was a beautiful day, and a great glass of wine and I was super happy.
Train, drops of Jupiter, takes me back to being one of the first people to ever play them on the radio in the UAE, sat in a studio, earphones on, overlooking the back of Sheikh zayed road at one of my first ever evening shows, feeling nervous and happy to be a radio DJ at last.
Rob Thomas : 3am, I was 17. I had just met my first real love and I used to play this and it drove him insane, reminds me of laughing at him in one of our rare moments outside of his restaurant.
Toto – Rosanna – Smokey bar, wooden floors, short hair and my first taste of live band music and this song takes me to the night my mum requested this. My boyfriend played it and she loved him almost as much as me that night. My mum had her 2 best friends with her and we laughed and danced and laughed and danced. Awesome memory.
Oasis – Champagne Supernova – Amie Gibbons house, her bedroom, getting ready to begin one of our many many adventures. We listened to it religiously and although I am not the biggest Oasis fan this song transports me back to being a happy teenager with my best friend. There is a lot of music that takes me back to Amie, nirvana puts me in a maroon blazer standing in our form lines listening to on shared ear plugs. Its raining men takes me to a hilarious drunken night in a bar called strawberry moon, the list goes on.
Robbie Williams, Jesus in a camper van, directly to Nathalie Cockaynes old apartment, do not pass go and do not collect 200 dhs. Weirdly hearing him doesn’t take me to the concert, it takes me to her flat, Vodka and cranberry juice and hoi sin chicken pizzas.
This is my point, you don’t have a lot of control over what music does to you. It can move you in a million ways, your feet, your voice, your heart.
It can make people laugh, cry, fall in love, fight. Its magic, it should be treat as such.
It’s a multibillion dollar industry. Don’t become part of the wheel. Love whatever moves you, regardless of what it is. Don’t be afraid of music and don’t be afraid of what people may think. Try new things, listen to others ideas of ‘great’ before you dismiss it, you never know you just might make a discovery. I did, I hated Jazz all my life until I sat on a cold stone floor, tired and grumpy in the middle of New Orleans in order to ‘humour’ my man. I will be eternally grateful that I did. He gave me a gift that night that is very precious, a memory, and some of the best music I have ever heard played, he reminded me to push my limits and because of that a whole host of music takes me right back to him and what he taught me about music, at the age of 25 when I thought I couldn’t learn anymore.
My Father is still learning and listening and my Mum is still not caring (her pan pipes CD is testament to this) and my brother is still trying to get me to love Oasis. Keep pushing, keep exploring, but always remain true to the memories, they like to be visited now and again.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Fox Hunting, Prime Ministers and Lawyers..

Funnily enough, all things that were on my agenda as a child. I asked someone the other day what they had wanted to be when they grew up, I got a wry smile and a great answer. We forget, we forget the dreams we had as children, the dreams we had when we literally believed we could do anything at all, and that our mums and dads wore super hero outfits under their normal clothes (I still believe that). I wanted to be all sorts when I was little, depending upon the day, and the activity I was doing.

One thing ran the entire course of my life and that was to be a singer, as we all know, I am not, some of you are thanking god, and my Mother is shaking her head and saying 'you could be, if you tried'. Mothers, they are the best. However when I think back to some of my wishes its kind of funny to see what my little crazy mind thought back then.

My first big cause in life, and we all know I have had many many 'causes' that I get passionate about, was Fox Hunting. I came across it thanks to my horses, and in school we were asked to write about something that means alot to us. I put pen to paper to explain my horror and sadness at Fox Hunting. Dont worry at this point, I am not going to don a bunch of leaves, and start waving a placard whilst scaring horses, thats not my style. As much as I would like to hit a few of the huntsmen on the head with said placard. The pen is mightier than the saboteur and so I wrote off to my local paper, safe in the knowledge that this would ensure that they would print my letter and I would make a difference. I was 10. My belief in the world was utterly unshakeable, even though the irony was lost on me. The world would do the right thing, even though here I was campaigning against something I believed was wrong. Go figure, my 10 year old self couldnt see it. Then again, my 10 year old self couldnt see much past horses and well, horses. The newspaper did want to print my letter, they in fact rang my home to speak to me about it, and this is the part where I get to think my 10 year old self was a clever little smart ass, they also thought I was an adult. Yes indeed.

That started my desire to be a politician, I did concede that I would have to be a politician first and then of course I would be Prime Minister. Natural upgrade of course, I would be the obvious choice. I may have to wait a few years, but my first act would be to ban Fox Hunting. I never really thought much further than that, I have to be honest. My next act was to write a poem about Fox Hunting, that will show them. God my 10 year old self was awesome and fairly ridiculous.

I got a little older, and realised that potentially being the Prime Minister would be fairly hard work, note I still didnt see this as being out of my grasp, and if the truth be known, I still now believe if that had been the road I had chosen I would have made an awesome Prime Minister, with much better hair than any of them to date, thats a fact. I then moved naturally on to becoming a Lawyer. That was the next step. Not because I was interested in the nitty gritty details of law, or of justice, but because I believed that I would make unbelievably brilliant closing statements, and that all my cases would be won because no jury could possibly rule against me and my superior oratory skills. It was then pointed out to me that I was not American, that I also wasnt on TV and that being a Lawyer was possibly the hardest job ever. This put me off somewhat, not the hard work, but the lack of being able to stalk around a court and be fabulous.

I went on to various desires throughout that time, TV presenter, all round famous person, teacher amongst others, all of them really just came back to one thing, I liked to talk, and I liked it when people listened to me. Quite simple. Therefore Radio was the place for me. Why hadnt I thought of that before.

Really though, we should all spend a moment and try to remember what we wanted to be, back then when we had no troubles or worries and our dream job wasnt based on degrees, how clever we were or how much money we needed, when we could have done ANYTHING, what did we choose ?

I never even dreamed I would do what I do now, and yet this is my dream job....

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Metallic Nails, Being yourself and Ladder Climbing

Having not got the best ability in the world to only think of one thing at a time. Think Billy Conolly and his ability to wander off topic and then come back with unerring accuracy, then lose the unerring accuracy and voila,  you have something similar, minus the scottish accent and beard, to me. Keep the swearing, definately. I have tried, somewhat unsuccesfully to stop swearing. I have learned to say the F word less, although it can sometimes be a knee jerk reaction. There is something familiar about it, something in a swear word that conveys what it is you are trying to say, sometimes 'oops' or 'damn it' just dont cut it. A good well timed 'F*ck Off' can just be deeply satisfying. Not when its in the wrong moment though. Not when your boss has just asked you to do something and you respond with "are you having a f*cking laugh?'. Thats when you need to go put a dirham in the swear box, and also brush up on your ass kissing techniques, or your CV writing skills. Aside from swearing, I have had a few thoughts this weekend. Namely whilst having my nails done (just call me Jumeirah Jane), and a couple of people I know said wasnt I too old for metallic tin foil colour nails ?. This gave me pause for thought, and the answer is a little complicated. No. No I am not 'too old' is there such a thing. Dont stress, this isnt the moment when I start banging on about age, and you are as old as you feel etc, because there are certain things you just shouldnt do after a certain age :

See through shoes, on second thoughts, these should never be worn, scratch that. Unless you are a MEGA star, dont wear mini skirts, ever. After 19 wearing Doc Martens with a smart outfit just makes you look like an out of work student, and never ever wear a thong on the beach. Ever. Its never good, unless you are J-Lo, and even then, they make me feel a little ill. Boob tubes are questionable, as are any kind of lame hot pants. However my nails do not fall into that category as yet, if I want to have nails that reflect the surface of the sun, then I will. If I want my nails to resemble the stuff we wrap turkey in, then that is my own damn choice, and while I like it, it will continue to happen. End of conversation. Plus I love them and they make me smile, and I have the classy version (if that is indeed at all possible).  Its about the importance of being yourself when it comes down to it, and more importantly quite liking yourself. I have a theory that no one else is going to like you if you dont like yourself, notice I said like, not love. There are FAR too many people in this country that cant walk past a mirror without giving themselves a thumbs up and a quick eyebrow raise to reaffirm their awesomeness.

I like me, there is plenty I dislike, but plenty I like, and I like my desire to have silver nails, also I dont care as I am turning old this year, and intend to stay as young feeling as possible. If this makes me behave like Katy Perry in the nail arena, then I care not.

I was considering a quick paragraph on the pitfalls of people cosying up to you for who you are and what you can achieve on their behalf. I then decided that whilst it may make me a bad judge of character, and it may end in tears (it certainly has before) I wont change my attitude to the people in my world. I wont question you, I wont look at you and question why you are in my life. This I promise. I promise I will do everything in my (limited) power to be the best friend I can be. I may fail, it has been known to happen. I will not wonder about your motivation, I will assume that your presence, however fleeting or permanent in my life is down to you and I having a connection because we have found something in one another that we like, and by that I dont mean roladexes or bank accounts. That will be all on the matter ... I am very blessed with the friends I have in my life, those who are near and those who are far, and I love them for who they are too. Mostly because they are amazing people. Sometimes its for their money and fame but mostly amazing, mostly.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Transatlantic Travels

It has been awhile since I blogged, and I have learned to be ok with that. I cant just write on demand because I have to have something to say. Right now I have nothing specific to say, its just that writing sometimes makes me feel better. Bit like music, but I’ve had to really cast my net far today to find the solace I needed in music. I have finally landed on Country music, you can laugh, but every now and then my soul needs some twanging guitar and cowboy boots in order to feel better. Its been a odd couple of weeks.

I knew that saying goodbye to a friend would be painful, but consoled myself with thoughts that I would still have phone, email carrier pigeons etc and that in this day and age a little distance isnt the end of the world. Turns out I talk bollocks, not that this is news to anyone at all. Way harder than I thought it would be. Living in the UAE you get used to people coming and going, and therefore learn to make friends fast and learn to say goodbye fast. It’s a transient place, and it becomes a way of life, you end up with friends all over the globe and that’s a good thing. Every now and again though, when you least expect it someone comes along that you never expected, with no warning and it’s instant. That person is unique, that’s when its impossible to replace.

Snoop Dogg was one of the most interesting shows I have ever worked on, in terms of working with a different kind of tour party, in so many ways. In the middle of all this, I find myself standing in the lobby of a hotel watching history walk towards me, not looking a day different for 6 years of not seeing them. No matter how you move on or change, there are something’s in this world that remain constant, chocolate will always soothe the soul, shoes will always make a girl smile, especially if they have red soles, and some people  will always look good in a suit and make you smile so big you think your jaw will never stop aching. I left the hotel feeling very odd. My world in 2 weeks has had a fairly major shift in focus, and that makes you think. The pondering I will keep to myself, as we all know how I can ramble and these thoughts so far make about as much sense as Charlie Sheen, slightly less if truth were to be told, and just without the drugs, porn stars and warlock talk.

I have been refusing to entertain a birthday this year as I do not want to turn 30, I rephrase that, didn’t want to turn 30. I have decided to stop being childish, if I am going to be 30 I should behave like a grown up. I realized that by not throwing a party in normal Maxine style just actually makes me one of ‘those’ 30 year olds. So with renewed optimism and a slightly scaled down event streak, due to chronic fatigue am going to celebrate my birthday in the manner in which it should be. Surrounded by friends, and drinking Champagne. I will however refrain from sending out the invites just yet, it is after all only May and well I get to be 29 for another glorious 3 months.

I am going to attack the rest of this year in the style of which I am proud of. I will reclaim my social status, and I will reclaim my hold on my sense of being. My kitchen is woefully underused this year, and the new cooker I bought in order to aid me with my mega cooking sessions still sits unplugged in. I am very fond of the old one, however cooking for 12 with only 1 working ring on the stove top can prove a little dicey at times. All is well with one chef, but add Mother Chef into the equation and there are just not enough electric rings to go round.

On other fronts, things are changing, noticeably my front, and rear.  I have dropped a few kilos and as such am now facing the dreaded task of the wardrobe over haul, the easy bit has been done, I have bought new clothes, interims as they are called. I then bought another set of interims as the first set got a bit baggy. This is great, a whole new set of underwear (that took some doing I have to add, aided by a surly Philipino lady and a much aggrieved mother). However I have to chuck out all the old stuff. This is going to take some doing. 6 wardrobes full of clothes that I love, but will have to get rid off. Its enough to make a girl cry. Safe to say my shoes all still fit, as do my handbags. Which to be quite frank is neither here nor there as if they didn’t fit, I would wedge tissue paper in them and wear them anyway, such does my love for my shiny feet covers run deep.

It’s been an odd few weeks, and now I am making some life plans, I have some life admin to get through, and then life will undoubtedly throw some new curveball at me and I will have to re-evaluate. Such is life.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Facebook Valentine

I realise its Valentines day, but believe me there will be no ranting. I am not a huge believer and I am not a ‘this is a hallmark holiday’ town crier either. If you are with someone its nice, its nice to receive flowers etc, but this shouldn’t be reserved to only this day of the year. That’s it, mini attempt at a rant over.

Today I am mostly being the facebook superuser for the Yas Rock Factory and realizing just how powerful Facebook is, and also how terrifyingly at home I am with it. Everyone who knows me laughs at my status updates, and the frequency of my use of facebook. I see it as another outlet for me. I am regularly the girl who is stood up in a restaurant acting out a recent funny story for my group of friends. I am the one who cares not about the stares of others, the one who doesn’t care how loud she is, or where she is. In the name of being social, funny and 9 times out of 10 the centre of attention. So to give an exhibitionist who loves to perform a platform such as facebook is just asking for me to have billions of photos, and a million updates a day. I like to share, I talk frequently and am rarely quiet, why you would expect anything less from my facebook persona is odd. If nothing else Facebook is going to allow me to be even more of myself, which could be a little much, if not far too much at times. That’s the thing isnt it, its choice, I choose to read your statuses, I also choose to hide some of you, the reasons I hide you are my own. What you do on Facebook is up to you, I have no place to comment, I have more than enough ability to do something about it rather than wine or moan or make a big deal out of it.

Thats about the long and short of it today, got nothing much more for you than that :)

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Who lit the Grail shaped beacon ?

It seems I write best, and most prolifically when I need to rant, vent or stop myself from being arrested for verbal abuse that borders on the physical. This is going to have to be part of the resolution as well, to push myself to write on topics that don’t require my sheer contempt. It has been an interesting week, the pitfalls of working in another country have been once again highlighted to me by the predicament of a friend. The sheer helplessness of being in the hands of other people, and having to rely on others for help and support can be a frightening thing. Especially in this country where an attitude of ‘its not my job’ prevails. That has always been something that I have tried and failed to understand. I could quite happily wax lyrical about the type of person who utters those sentences, however today will not turn into a rant. Safe to say though that the old adage of treat people as you would wish to be treat is a a good rule to live by, because to get very clichéd karma is an unforgiving bitch and will come back to haunt you. Good karma is something you should try and store up. That all sounds a bit preachy, I can be as vile as you like, a great expression I will steal that made me laugh the other day was, ‘ are the still treating you like Lord Voldermorts Niece?’ which sadly the answer had to be yes.

I have also begun the painful business of venturing into the world of renting a villa, I am desperate to rid myself of my 2 hour return trip home on an evening. When you have had a long day and all you can think about is your sofa and a glass of wine, the drive gets ever longer. Its actually not the driving, it’s the lack of driving, the sitting, and inching forwards and wondering what fool has tipped his car in order to keep me from my wine. I realize I am now starting to sound like an alcoholic. So the few things I have learned this week about villa hunting. Real Estate agents are liars, my apartment is an utter gem of a place and I want to move it 10 kilometeres up the road. I cant live in a generic apartment block for fear of killing myself due to averagitis.

That’s not a word I hear you say. To me it is, and also possibly to the mad Italian who I work with.  It is something I have been terrified of my whole life, its what makes me strive to do what I do with my career. Being average. This is what has made me change my hair repeatedly over the years, adding colours, and stripes and even chopping it off, in order to avoid being ‘the same’. Thanks to my Mum I have always been happy to be ‘different’. Not in a special person type of way, although there is an argument for that too. So to live in a generic block of flats would take the person inside of me who has to be unlike everyone else and annoy her til she exploded. So I will not be living in a generic shoe box, I will continue to hunt until I find the quirky house I need.

In the meantime I will continue to shout at traffic and impatiently tap the wheel of my car in my daily quest to beat the traffic home to my wine.

Sunday, 23 January 2011


So as predicted I haven’t done this every day, which whilst being predictable isnt impressive, I should probably head off to my room to think about what I have done, or not done as the case may be. However I would a) enjoy that and b) get fired for being in bed and not at my desk, where I ALWAYS am. No bitterness intended.

When I think about what I have done instead of blogging I am not satisfied, I have had a week of being fairly ranty (granted its only Monday) and am constantly checking myself before I lose my temper fully. Those of you who know me, are wondering exactly what is different to normal. I am doing a bad job of being organised, doing 100 million things bit by bit.

Anyway, my question today has to be directed at the people who fill my petrol tank, and before you whiny do gooders start banging on about how I should ‘fill my own tank’, think about ‘how much they get paid’ and so on and so forth. I take all that into consideration. I tip well, and would if needed fill my own car, but, and this is the big but. I don’t, they do, its their job, which they are paid for, I personally didn’t make them take the job (please insert more rants and more so ons and so forth as required). I drive to Abu Dhabi every day, I have my petrol buying off to a fine art. I know exactly how far a full tank will get me, to the kilometer. So finely tuned is my ability to know where I am at petrol wise that I know how much will get me to several different places, Hessa’s, my Mum’s, my house, The Yacht Club. Now, when I say give me a full tank, I mean it, I need it and I am prepared to pay for it. So to give me 490 km instead of 525 km because there is a queue of people behind me, makes me want to drive back to the petrol station and stamp my foot, or wrap the petrol hose around your neck, especially as I gave you a 10dhs tip for the bloody benefit of YOU deciding how much petrol my car requires. As any of you know who have tried to fill your car at any petrol station along the route between Dubai and Abu Dhabi you will know that Abu Dhabi side there is always a queue of up to 15 cars minimum, so I can understand the frustration and the stick which you must put up with, please however bear in mind that when I get about 5 minutes away and realize I have been short changed I am not only a little bit angry but livid. I realize that this could be fixed by a quick stop at another less busy petrol station, or getting up 15 minutes early and topping up. I work hard, I drive a long way and those 15 minutes of extra sleep time are worth every last minute. Selfish rant over.

Today I decided that I required my Louboutins to go with a new jacket, I also realized the mish mash of clothes that I am wearing, it makes me giggle. 3 compliments so far on the jacket, and 4 on the outfit as a whole, the shoes cost ten times more than the whole outfit. The jacket itself was 50dhs in Primark which just goes to prove to me that people don’t know the difference, and that I don’t care. I love my expensive shoes for their comfort and shiny red soles and everything else is just because I love it.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Driving Miss Crazy...

Rain, it causes mayhem and sillyness in Dubai. These are fairly calm words compared to the ones I was using on my drive to work this morning, not even the smooth sounds of Rob Thomas could stop me from shouting at the white BMW 4x4 that threatened to run me off the road. I appreciate a few things about this utter moron, he obviously has bought into the idea that hanging a CD and a set of prayer beads from your rear view mirror is the best way to combat those pesky speed cameras. They really should just be removed so that this poor man doesn’t have to put up with the blinding light in his eyes every few hundred yards. He was after all just trying to make sure that the 2 women and child in his car got to wherever it was they were going at the speed of light. No other speed would have sufficed for these special charges. I say special charges for a few reasons, the main one being that as the child was not strapped in and was standing on the arm rest between him and his front seat passenger, he must hold him and his safety close to his heart. The seatbelt is obviously just a restriction put on this earth to stop him waving his arms about and also turning to the back seat to converse with his other passengers; in this case I believe we should just have them removed. Whilst we are removing things, possibly his wing mirrors, as they just make the car slightly wider, and make it even harder to use the hard shoulder as an extra lane for driving in, and as he is already turned backwards for conversational purposes we should just remove the rear view mirror. It just gets in the way of the windscreen when he is gesticulating and trying to make a point to the car in front. However without that he may have to resort to sticking a hook on his wind screen for the beads and CD, saying that though, if we remove the speed cameras there would be no need, problem solved.

The bull bar should also be removed as it makes it harder for him to get as close as humanly possible to the car in front, in order to make his point more clearly, so really all cars should have their bumpers removed as well, so that he can get within the requisite 2cm rather than 15cm.  The flashing of lights is mandatory, full beam essential in order to make your point. It works even better if you can put your hazards on at the same time. At this point it would be helpful to note that you are not special, the man in the BMW is not just asking you to move, he would be delighted if you could pass on the message to the car directly in front of you, and directly to your right, if you could also employ the same methods as him it would work faster.

Also I would at this point like to commend our police for the sterling work they did during the above process. Talking on your mobile whilst doing 160 in the slow lane was helpful in ways I cannot describe, it is beyond words.

I have many views on the driving on the Abu Dhabi highway, many of which I cannot express without getting a warning for language either from my mother or the greater gods of the internet, such is the level that is required. I usually just grin and bear it but today, to you, the muppet in the bmw, I hope your tyres fall off and someone shoves a potatoe up your exhaust, believe me if I knew where you lived I would.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Inconsistent Noise

As a person who writes when she feels like it, and very rarely on command, unless it is of course my job and then I can pretty much pull it out of the bag and produce some of my most average work, I have notes, blogs and ramblings all over the place. Facebook, emails, my work website. I occasionally get told I should write more often, in more cases than most its just because of the random nature of my rambles that they hold attention. Either that or as sometimes noted, I write like I talk, which makes it somewhat difficult, yet fairly entertaining to read my chatter.

So as a fairly late resolution I have decided to blog. Later than most it seems I will join the revolution. I will however not be blogging about nothing. I literally cannot bear incessant blogging of nothingness. Facebook and Twitter are there for you humorless morons who feel the need to update your status that you are brushing your teeth, hungry, going to bed, going to work, are devoid of soul.

A blog is a look at life, not a place to tell us your most boring details of the day.

So I intend to blog about subjects. I do not promise they will be of interest, I do not promise they will be relevant or funny. They will however have a meaning and a purpose of some sort.

For example this blog serves the purpose of me beginning, and also pointing out how much I hate the status wasters. Please see new invented title for those above mentioned morons who I have to hit ignore / remove on Facebook for immediately as it defies logic that you would spare the time to update your status to reflect the most mundane moments of your day. Are you really that dull ?

So there we go kids. Expect more in the form of rants, and questions and general chats from me. Please feel free to join in at any point..